--Scheduled Alerts Query
-- Tom Sheffrey 1/3/2013
-- Find alerts that should have fired
-- Check for missing Join values
-- DB and Server Info
select DB_NAME() as DatabaseName
,getdate() as ServerTimeStamp
,dateadd(hour, -6,LockedTime) as LockedTimeCST from timerlock;
-- Failing alert summary
Select dbo.Webs.FullUrl
,count(CASE dbo.SchedSubscriptions.NotifyFreq
END) as Daily
,count(CASE dbo.SchedSubscriptions.NotifyFreq
END) as Weekly
,SUM(CASE dbo.SchedSubscriptions.UserEmail
END) MissingEmail
,MAX(DATEDIFF(hour,EventLog.TimeLastModified,SchedSubscriptions.NotifyTimeUTC)) as OldestHours
FROM dbo.EventCache with (nolock) INNER JOIN
dbo.EventLog with (nolock) ON dbo.EventCache.Id = dbo.EventLog.Id INNER JOIN
dbo.EventSubsMatches with (nolock) ON dbo.EventCache.Id = dbo.EventSubsMatches.EventId INNER JOIN
dbo.SchedSubscriptions with (nolock) ON dbo.EventSubsMatches.SubId = dbo.SchedSubscriptions.Id INNER JOIN
dbo.Webs with (nolock) ON dbo.EventCache.WebId = dbo.Webs.Id
WHERE (DATEDIFF(Hour,EventLog.eventtime,SchedSubscriptions.NotifyTimeUTC) > (24 * (CASE SchedSubscriptions.notifyfreq when 1 then 1 else 7 END)))
GROUP BY dbo.SchedSubscriptions.NotifyFreq, dbo.Webs.FullUrl
ORDER BY dbo.SchedSubscriptions.NotifyFreq, dbo.Webs.FullUrl;
-- Entries with NULL subscriptions
select COUNT(eventsubsmatches.eventid) as NullMatches
from EventSubsMatches left outer join
SchedSubscriptions on EventSubsMatches.SubId = SchedSubscriptions.Id
where SchedSubscriptions.Id is NULL;
-- Detail records with EventType and Filter analysis
select w.FullUrl as WebUrl
,esm.subid as SubscriptionID
,el.eventtime as EventTime
,ss.NotifyTime as SubscriptionNotifyTime
,DATEDIFF(hour,ss.NotifyTime,ss.NotifyTimeUTC) as OffsetHour
,DATEDIFF(hour,el.eventtime,ss.NotifyTimeUTC) as Hours
,CASE ss.NotifyFreq
when 1 THEN 'Daily'
when 2 THEN 'Weekly'
END as Frequency
,CASE ss.AlertType
when 0 then 'List'
when 1 then 'Item'
else CAST(ss.AlertType as varchar(8))
END as AlertType
,CASE ss.EventType
when -1 THEN 'All Changes'
when 1 then 'New items are added'
when 2 then 'Existing items are modified'
when 4 then 'Items are deleted'
when 4080 then 'Web discussion updates'
else 'Unknown'
END as 'Change Type'
,CASE ss.Filter
when N'' then 'Anything Changes'
when '%Editor/New%' then 'Someone else changes a document'
when '%Author%' then 'Someone else changes a document owned by me'
when '%Editor/Old%' then 'Someone else changes a document modified by me'
else 'Unknown'
END as 'Send alerts for these changes'
FROM dbo.EventSubsMatches AS esm LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.EventCache AS ec ON esm.EventId = ec.Id LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.SchedSubscriptions AS ss ON esm.SubId = ss.Id LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.EventLog AS el ON esm.EventId = el.Id LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.Webs AS w ON ec.WebId = w.Id
WHERE (DATEDIFF(hour,el.eventtime,ss.NotifyTimeUTC) > (24 * (CASE ss.notifyfreq when 1 then 1.0 else 7.0 END)))
or WebUrl is NULL
order by hours desc;
Great queries!